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      Picture for blog post 灯饰该如何选择?


      Friday, November 20, 2020



      高悬在天花板上的吊灯自然让灯光有种从天而降的感觉,让空间更具低调奢华感。其次,若加上其他天花板灯饰的辅助,也可让客厅看起来光鲜充足,给人有种身处以城堡的错觉。这种灯饰的设计可说是“人见人爱”,且不失高雅和气派。 这种灯饰设计可说是“人见人爱”,且具有宫廷的高雅和气派  

      半圆柱形吊灯 这类型的吊灯实体面积虽小,却大都以钢铁为基本材质,简洁有力的线条感让空间充满现代性。灯光因它的半圆柱形科更集中的呈现于整个空间中,让空间增添神秘感。


      大型座地灯 大型座地灯可依据个人喜好而选择更符合主题的设计。就如图中的空间是属于简约单调风,即选择一个大型书桌灯为概念,让整个务实的客厅顿时多了一个新的焦点,并且达到节省天花板空间的效果。


      壁灯 这类型灯饰属于最低存在感的灯饰设计,它让整个空间不会因为灯饰而受到阻碍。另外,它可以为单调的墙壁增添不同的风格与色彩,也可借此营造出更为宽敞和另一番新的视觉享受。


      聚光灯 “灯如其名”,这类型的灯光多用于辅助居家重点设计的角落。不仅如此,它让人沉醉在充满设计感空间的同时,也有充足的光线来做别的事,可说是一个聚集务实与设计感的灯饰选择之一。

      Picture for blog post 颜色配得好,空间自然高级!


      Friday, November 20, 2020






      【家居色彩小入门】 01/ 法则 尽量整体多使用低纯度的色彩 纯度,是色彩的鲜艳程度。 孩子们一般喜欢的明黄、翠绿都属于高纯度。最近流行的黑白灰性冷淡风,则属于低纯度。 在家居中,高纯度的颜色最好不要大面积使用。 从健康上说,它们让眼睛负担过重,长时间盯着看容易引起头晕、烦躁、易怒等后果; 从品味上说,它们很难搭配,大面积的使用容易造成审美疲劳,也容易让家居风格变得土气。 02/ 法则 使用色彩来改变视觉空间 其实颜色也可以从视觉上改变空间大小,所以用对了配色,你的家可能能大20平方! 纯度低、明度高、冷色相的颜色,就能放大空间。 ▲明显显得空间空旷了很多 而纯度高、明度高、暖色相的就是膨胀色,比如明黄色、橙红色,它们看上去像太阳一样发光发热,会让小空间显得更拥挤、燥热。 ▲明显显得空间狭小了很多 浅色有上升感,深色有下坠感。所以层高低的房间,可以在顶面用浅色、地面和家具用深色,强行拉开顶、地的视觉距离。 ▲天窗也是一样的道理 03/ 法则 控制空间色彩数量 黑白灰之所以那么流行,就是大家渐渐知道,对于家居设计,简约就是美。可是,简约不代表就一定只能选择性冷淡的颜色哦。 有个流行说法:空间配色不得超过三种。(当然并不包括黑白灰这些无颜色系) 颜色少搭配起来相对容易,对于没有多少配色经验的人来说还是有意义的。不过,颜色少却能让空间看上去十分的立体丰富还是需要功力的,因为除颜色之外,还要考虑花纹图案、材质等因素。 下面小编就搜罗了几种配色方案,能让家居设计更加高级和有质感。  “莫兰迪”色系  家具配色的最高境界 学过绘画的小伙伴一看也应该就懂了,所谓的“莫兰迪色”不就是高级灰嘛,画面平和自然,舒缓雅致,有一种静态的和谐美,其实也就是现在大家所说的“性冷淡”风格。 颜色简单却不单调,虽然失去了原本饱和度的强烈和浓重,反而显得更柔和优雅,在家装中运用得好会显得很有高级感和温柔感。 ▲由于灰色的清冷气质难以驾驭,搭配不好就很容易营造出一种生硬冰冷的感觉,缺乏生活气息,容易产生距离感。所以可以结合各种类型的布艺家具来达到冷色系和暖色系之间的平衡。 ▲如果你真的觉得灰色有点单调,那就用极具时尚腔调的灯光来渲染,以光泽感带来无与伦比的视觉效果,让喜怒无常的空间变得高级又有范儿。 ▲有人说,品味极好的商务男士最爱这种配色的厨房,灰色与生俱来的低调与厚重,与男士身上彰显的绅士气度不谋而合。 ▲纯净的灰色会营造出一种空间扩大感,水泥的质感也有那么一点复古的工业气息。 ▲如果不知道要买什么色系的床品,灰色一定不会错,效果总好过那些卡通人物和民国大牡丹。  蓝色系  那一抹深邃优雅的风情 绿色系  从时尚界到家居界的新宠儿   更多文章:延禧攻略室内设计
      Picture for blog post 女生颜色代表


      Friday, November 20, 2020
      颜色,是室内设计的其中一环。对于颜色的选择,小编认为也有性别的迹象可循。下面带你去看许多可参考的颜色,让你为你居家的角落,动动巧思 ? 粉红色过渡到浅绿色,让人感觉有棉花糖的梦幻错觉~搭配上纤细的家具,让人感觉格外妩媚。 军绿色的瓷砖,设计屋6角形,有种外太空的特别视觉效果。这样的特别瓷砖,不但适用于浴室,也适合各个休闲的角落。 军绿色如果不用瓷砖来带出,也可参考选择以上的设计。只要把其中一个角落,改造成这样的色调,一定会让人感觉更有动力做事,无论是在这里化妆也好、办公也罢。 有调查显示,女生如果拥有一个白色的客厅或套房,会更倾向于爱干净。这是因为整个空间的颜色氛围,影响着人的大脑神经。因此,如果你想要有纯白色的空间,可以建议你适当地选择黑色的装饰配搭,会让空间更舒服。 浅蓝色调,也是女生们的菜。在主要墙面油上这个颜色,再将其他大型摆设选择纯白色,必定会让整个空间有宁静感。 如果你喜欢复古风,你一定会喜欢上诉的设计。在厨柜的选择上是原木色的设计,而在墙架上则选择复古风十足的旅行箱设计。 女生们对于室内设计的需求,大都是喜欢文艺风格。这是因为女生们对于功能性没有太大的需求,反之,男生们则是追求智能生活化等。 黑白灰的室内设计,可以适当地搭配上深褐色、原木元素,这样可以让你的冷冷空间中不失温暖的气息,让人感觉更有烟火味。 粉色调,一个女生们都无法抗拒的颜色。如果你害怕过于 girlish ,可以在这样的空间中混搭一些金色或是浅灰色等的色调中和,让空间的呈现更为温柔。 文章由 J 编辑 延喜攻略的室内设计
      Picture for blog post 延禧攻略 | GIORGIO MORANDI 彩色盘搭配室内设计

      延禧攻略 | GIORGIO MORANDI 彩色盘搭配室内设计

      Friday, November 20, 2020

      @CreativeHomeMalaysia   将室内设计融入生活,以最流行的宫廷剧——《延喜攻略》特有的色调,再在室内设计的世界中搭配出来,让你可以将你的想象、喜欢的情节化为最真实的生活面貌。

      2018年7月19 正式上映的《延喜攻略》中,深受海内外华人的喜爱,在短短数日间,点击率突破也让观众研究起故事中的一言一行,今天我们谈《延喜攻略》中的色调。   莫兰迪色系, 取名自于一位意大利人——乔治·莫兰迪(Giorgio Morandi)。他一生不曾结婚,没有任何有关他的爱情记录。基于种种他淡薄物外的生活做风,人们叫他僧侣画家。莫兰迪最显著的风格,就是他的创作题材仅仅局限在几只瓶子和波隆那郊外的风景。 延喜攻略中的“莫兰迪”色系,是一种更有质感的灰色调。它的整体视觉效果不鲜亮,仿佛蒙上一层灰色调,不但不张扬整体的画面感,反而是体现出一种相互制约、相互抵制且独有的视觉平衡。这样的色调呈现出和平自持、舒缓雅致的特例风格。








      该色调的空间,不知不觉会让人感觉慵懒 cozy, 想在这赖着的真实感受。这样的颜色可以塑造出布料所提供的舒适感,但是是反映在视觉层面的。






      墨绿色非常适合都市生活的每一个人,尤其是在卧室,不但没有沉闷感,反而是让人感觉别有一番个人特色。 文章由 J 编辑 更多文章:日式风公寓

      Open plan 客厅

      Friday, November 20, 2020



      也因为这样,开放式的空间规划 & 室内设计 成了Instagram 社交媒体上,热搜的字眼。

      CreativeHome 跟读者们分享几个扩大空间的方法: 1. 有限的空间适合“轻装修” 小客厅,如果到处都笨重、内置、无法轻松移动的家具的话,相对来说会减少客厅的“可用”空间。因此,不如把客厅装潢的花费投资在有品质的家具上。这是为了将客厅空间空闲出来,让人有更多的活动空间。

      Good evening chums?? Fab day! It only rained a little bit, the girls went fishing with their grandpa and both caught their dinner ?? and I took Hamish on a hike ⛰ .....admittedly because the guilt of eating two donuts made me!! ? ? ? ? Oh and we are having fish and chips from the chippy for dinner?do you also just go for it when on holiday or am I officially out of control????‍♀️? . . . . . #openplan #openplanliving #moderninteriordesign #modernliving #homerenovation #kitchenstyle #kitcheninspo #kitchendesign #kitchendiner #familyroom #diningtable #interiorforyou #interiorforall #howyouhome #apartmenttherapy #myinterior #scandi #scandidecor #scandiliving #scandiinterior #scandimaximalism #myhometoinspire

      A post shared by + L U C Y + (@lucyjwhitehouse) on

      2. 家具靠墙摆放 有限空间的家具摆放,建议靠墙摆设。这是为了让小客厅可以显得更加宽敞,而且布局更加的井然有序。

      3. 有限空间选择浅色掉 浅色调不但可以提亮整个空间,而且还可以起到扩大视觉效果的作用。浅色调,再适当地选择简洁的饰品,可以减低空间的拥挤感。

      4. 开放式规划扩大有限空间、 采用开放式规划的居家,有助于减少空间中的隔阂,让空间没有作为分隔去作用的墙面。采用具有储备功能的小家具,可以在摆设之时不失收纳功效。

      5. 巧妙利用镜子 & 时刻保持整洁 小客厅试适合搭配镜子,对扩大视觉有着显著的作用。另外,既然空间有限,时刻着重空间整洁度也会让小空间变大。

      Picture for blog post 30 套理想更有间

      30 套理想更有间

      Friday, November 20, 2020

      更衣间—— 无论男女在出门之前都无法省略的居家空间

      如果你喜欢打扮自己,更衣间一定会是你非常想拥有的空间。 在这样的空间里,仿佛你与世隔绝,完完全全投入在装扮自己的宇宙里。每一天清晨,在未出门工作的时候,在这里挑选到一个附和当天气质的包包、首饰、配件,都可以让你的每一天更加充实。 该卧室的设计非常适合客房/小型旅馆的设计。明亮的采光,让黑白灰的空间更加朝气蓬勃。此外,它的更衣间也是简洁的黑色框框,可让人随意悬挂或取出衣物,非常节省空间 — with Homlux Interior Furnishing Sdn Bhd. 该更衣间乍看之下仿佛会有厨房的错觉,这是因为设计师还特别增设悬挂式的特别设计,让喜欢收藏香水的屋主有特别的展示柜。 — with Archint Design. 全蓝色的实木橱柜设计,让人眼前一亮。这样的轻柔的颜色,深受女生们的喜爱。另外,还在另一侧设计为梳妆台。暖黄色的灯光照耀下,我也不想离开这里! — with GI DESIGN SDN BHD. 该卧室的更衣间和床并行,占据了卧室的整个角落。简单利落的大面玻璃柜设计,减低凌乱感。此外,也在空间中央摆放皮革小茶几。没有使用的时候就铺上棉质披巾作为装饰,需要时则作为休闲空间。 — with Homlux Interior Furnishing Sdn Bhd. 全镜面的更衣室,让空间有种混乱的特殊感。落地窗使的覆盖着整个橱柜让不喜欢收拾的你,感到安心。这样的空间搭配上一张软软的毛毯和小沙发,女生可以待在这样的空间里好几个小时! — with Desigva Interior.
      更衣间中的登报缠绕镜子设计,让人有股复古的气息。这样的设计搭配上黑色的实木橱柜让整体更加有质感和神秘感十足。 — with Nu Infinity. 卧室和更衣间用一个瘦条状的衣柜轻易分隔开来。让你的卧室规划更加的方方正正。另外,在另一端的更有间则直接衔接着厕所,让更衣、化妆更佳方便。 — with Metrics Global Sdn Bhd.   更多文章:30个关于室内设计的 idea 
      Picture for blog post 购买餐桌前的10大考量


      Friday, November 20, 2020


      因此,Iko 就来跟你分享:


      餐桌,真的是圆圆或方方,无法带出空间设计的风格吗? 当然不是,如果你喜欢的是中式设计,大气的视觉材质,才是你该选择的餐桌考量。另外,如果你喜欢的是简约北欧风的话,浅木色的餐桌也即可呈现出你想要的利落感。 餐桌的大小,形状其实必须考虑到您的家庭成员人数之外,它的占有面积也是很重要的。如果你有非常宽裕的空间来作为用餐空间的话,您可选择圆形桌。圆形桌除了代表着团团圆圆的好寓意之外,也有起到“方便夹菜”的好处。 反之,如果你有着相当有限的用餐空间规划的话,现在也流行伸缩性较方便的餐桌。为了附和现代人的多变,餐桌设计也显得多变。让大家可以随心所欲地定义桌子的用处,非常着重实用性。 餐桌的材质有很多种选择,以上就是可制的材质选项。但是,你想像一下一个你长时间会使用的家具,又有可能会沾到食物的污渍的家具,好的材质是否重要? 无可否认,任何材质都有利和弊,但是选用一个耐用容易保养的材质,对于餐桌来说是很重要的。因此,选择大理石桌面,不单有着独一无二的纹路与形状,还会呈现出大气的奢华感。
      窗帘必知的10大 Tips
      Picture for blog post How to Decorate With Living Room Accessories

      How to Decorate With Living Room Accessories

      Friday, November 20, 2020

      Strike a balance between functional additions and decorative frills to reflect the detailed complexity of life.

      Perhaps for reasons that will never be fully explained, a blank canvas will attract a painter’s brush and masterpieces will come to be appreciated for their details more than the sum of their parts. Just as most prized paintings began as blank canvases, a living space sometimes starts off as a sparse array of furniture and accessories, increasing in complexity with time as the signs of life accumulate within it. A barren living space can be easily remedied with the addition of a lighting fixture or a piece of artwork to draw the eye - but if you seek to design an elegant living space layered in intriguing complexity from the beginning, then read on.

      Personal Touch
      Interior design by: M Innovative Builders

      Sentiment binds us together with shared meaning despite our individual differences, with personal significance and nostalgia occasionally representing greater value than even the most commonly treasured of material objects. Aside from all the known characteristics that make up the range of decorative styles prevailing in our present time, the single most influential factor that differentiates an interior is self-expression. The designers of the pictured seating lounge, M Innovative Builders, demonstrate this philosophy in practice by bringing together favoured and seemingly disparate decorative elements to produce a space that is uniquely cohesive and tailored for the comfort of the residents.

      Fine Details
      Interior design by: The Roof Studio

      Bland spaces tend to have little to say, but adding a handful of details in the background - or a few comforting accessories such as a coffee table or clutter tray in the foreground, imbues a space with layers of complexity to capture attention and entice the wandering mind. The Roof Studio demonstrates the striking effects of imposed detail by decorating this living room with an abundance of wooden surfaces and placing them in close proximity to the high-pile carpeting. The result is an elegant array of layers that evokes interest with complementary details in texture and shade.

      Interior design by: The Roof Studio

      Tips: The addition of a few accessories does more than provide some comfort. Without the necessary amenities (throw cushions, floor lamp, end table, coffee table, clutter tray, and potted plant), the result would potentially resemble a furniture showroom rather than an actual living room.

      Interior design by: The Roof Studio
      Repeat Motifs
      Interior design by: ST Concepts

      The pursuit of elegance entails a delicate balance struck between grace and ingenuity, necessitating careful consideration when selecting colours and materials. As decoration is simultaneously an art and a science, the creation of a décor should be subjected to creative and logical guidelines to achieve a cohesive and visually appealing arrangement. In the pictured seating lounge decorated by ST Concepts, complex layers of wood, stone, and light are created with a sprinkling of decorative and functional accessories - all unified in the complementary shades of the neutral palette so as not to overwhelm the eye with dissimilar elements.

      Interior design by: ST Concepts

      Tips: When you want to shy away from bold and colourful patterns, texture is your best friend. Neutral is never boring when a variety of textures are used. Mix it up! Repeating the same pattern throughout a room is also a reliable way to achieve cohesiveness.

      Interior design by: ST Concepts
      Art Aesthetics
      Interior design by: X Dimension Design

      Handcrafted artistic works represent countless hours of effort and are often valued for their uniqueness and irreproducibility - even more so in this age of automated manufacturing. The introduction of artwork does more than provide a splash of colour or texture - art has the potential to evoke emotion, inspire thought, and invite critique, with the results leading to a discernible rise in the complexity of a space and its character. To illustrate this, X Dimension Design incorporates serene landscapes into the décor of the pictured living room, with the artwork diligently curated to echo the hues of the space.

      Interior design by: X Dimension Design [gallery columns="2" size="medium" ids="59194,59195"]
      Light Up
      Interior design by: Sachi Interiors

      Large pieces of furniture and glittering artefacts tend to draw the gaze of naïve observers - occasionally, to the detriment of a sparsely decorated space. Lighting fixtures are useful add-ons that serve to simultaneously highlight subtle decorative features and direct the eye away from default points of attention. In the pictured seating lounge, Sachi Interior Design opts for an intriguing floor lamp fitted with a robust diffusing shade to at once illuminate the furniture arrangement and throw an array of light and shadow into a corner for a visually striking effect.

      Interior design by: Sachi Interiors

      Tips: Even neutral coloured spaces can benefit from a beguiling display of light and shadow. This living room presents additional variations of the neutral shades with the aid of prominent lighting fixtures.

      Interior design by: Sachi Interiors
      Picture for blog post 现代奢华风


      Friday, November 20, 2020
        整体空间结合现代摩登种巧妙地融入东方美学,清淡雅致的彩色在不同的材质碰撞中显得更独特,描绘轻易而细腻的空间意境,构成别具一格的现代居室。 从玄关而入,映入眼帘的是餐厅背景墙上的丝连垂吊艺术装置,宛如春日里的落英缤纷,在阳光的映衬下塑造出多元化风貌并存的空间表情,传达对艺术与自由的追求;餐椅靠背的黑白经典配色与沙发抱枕相呼应,在大面积温润中和的暖木色调中显露出与众不同的个性,干净利落,独特而自然。电视背景运用的栅格造型和电视柜上的水墨图案同为中式元素相辅相成,清雅得恰到好处。 在不同功能的领域划分中,有着截然不同的空间表达。高级灰作为长辈房的主调,用深浅变化刻画出空间多向性的层次美感;天空蓝是在喧嚣浮尘中获得安定新型的力量,细节处的陈设配置,展现出个性化的天真情趣。 主卧承袭了整个空间的温暖基调,家具造型新颖别致,透明材质的运用给空间带来更加轻盈的韵律,形成特定的气质内涵;水蓝色的点缀不落俗套,勾勒出独一无二的空间灵性,更添高雅韵味。  
      Picture for blog post 5 Bedroom Styling Ideas to Inspire You

      5 Bedroom Styling Ideas to Inspire You

      Friday, November 20, 2020

      Looking for styling ideas on how to decorate your bedroom? There are many ways to do so: you can piece together different furnishings and decorations to assemble something approaching comfort, or you could design your bedroom with an achievable end result in mind. Here are more ideas to get you inspired.

      Interior design by: SQFT Space Design Management

      1. Romantic Impressions Time-tested classical detailing in combination with peach-toned architectural finishes and decorations lend this bedroom a delicately feminine personality. The lightweight décor is complemented by rich fabrics of various shades running from the tops of walls to the floors - with cream drapery, a headboard of button-backed upholstery, and other fuzzy accompaniments rounding off the edges of the bed platform.

      Interior design by: Stylecraft Design

      2. Geometric Variation A simplistic interior composed of geometric designs is kept from becoming overly uniform with a variation of shapes. The wallpaper bears a vaguely Asiatic repeating motif and the decorative feature wall frames a tight cluster of mirrored hexagonal tiles subtly backlit against the horizontal wood grains. The décor is layered with various wood tones and grains to add depth and complexity to the compact space.

      Interior design by: SQFT Space Design Management

      3. Diverse Influence The dark expanse portrays a space of the masculine persuasion, while the slender metallic frames born of minimalist philosophy and bevelled mirrored panels illustrate an eclectic personality with affluent sensibilities. To bolster the opulent ambiance, the square metal pipe frames are powder coated in a shade reminescent of gold, and the varied assembly is accented with Anglophilic decorations evoking imagery of Redcoats and the English countryside complementing the plaid fabrics.

      Interior design by: SQFT Space Design Management

      4. Dainty Sanctuary When a bedroom is planned with a walk-in wardrobe space and a transparent division between bed and bath, the result is an indulgant private space that would be cause any reasonable person to pine for home. The peach and off-white palette renders a feminine vibe, complemented with classical detailing and an abundance of reflective surfaces to create an intimate and luxuriously appointed sanctuary deserving of envy.

      Interior design by: Stylecraft Design

      5. Refined Simplicity In this bedroom, shades and shapes are reduced to their simplest forms for an elegantly minimalist décor - the pallete is limited to a two-toned combination of eggshell white and grenish grey, in the decorative feature wall lined with fine right angles and in the glossy, reflective panels framing the sides. The selection of white bedsheets, a blanket patterned with geometry, and the inclusion of a few cut fern fronds brings the pallette to a head.

      Click here for more bedrooms.  
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